I mentioned my triple taco dinner from the other night...what I haven't mentioned until now is I've kept the triple threat going for three days now. Yup,
tenia tres tacos para el almuerzo para las dos ultimas dias. Okay I admit - I leaned pretty heavily on the google translator for that one.
I feel vaguely guilty about this mini binge, but not really. Husband and I resolved to kick our Taco Bell habit for New Years, so my taco intake is at substandard levels anyway. Plus I figure nine homemade tacos is probably better than ANY number of Taco Bell tacos - and by better I mean mine are made of real, human grade food and not chemicals and dog food byproducts.
Plus, I make my tacos with turkey breast - the theory being that if they're lighter, you can eat more. And I do not waste my time with iceberg lettuce, oh no - I use green cabbage for my crunchy topper. I will not discuss the proportions of sour cream and cheese involved, however.
I am a lady, after all.