We are now in the final countdown to the Big Reveal - the anatomy ultrasound which should tell us what we're having.
(for the record, I'm hoping human child with all appendages accounted for and in place, and not alien or kitten, as I have recently dreamt)
(additionally, for the record, I am hoping that my use of the phrase 'final countdown' now has the song stuck in your head, and, in a perfect world, images of Gob Bluth's magic show)
The appointment is set for 10:15 on the 28th, and is meant to be a fabulous late Christmas present for Husband and myself. I will have you know that I could have scheduled the appointment for this week, but I showed (completely out of character) patience and restraint to make it a special little occasion all its own.
So now for the big question: Boy or Girl? Vote in my poll and see if you gain bragging rights. And since there are only roughly two or three of you reading this, feel free to vote over and over again to make it look like I'm really popular and everyone cares. Thanks.
Designing your life
2 years ago
We should have a "guess the baby's weight" bet or something... You know... I do have a jar of botulism beans to wager...
Note to the woman with the take out food wrapper stuck to her shoe: I tried vote a second time and it won't let me.
Mavis - I tried to fix the poll to let people vote multiple times, but it wouldn't let me because "someone has already voted." Wow, blogger is really watching out for my integrity!
Actually... I figured out how to rig the system:)...and HEY.... PUT DOWN THAT BURRITO!
Oh... and by "Litter of cute baby tigers?" Does that mean I will find your picture in the National Enquirer with a certain Mr. Woods?
Ugh...I didn't even think of it that way!
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