Wednesday, April 28, 2010

36ish Weeks

Yesterday marked 30 days left until my due date. Tomorrow marks 36 weeks completed. So I figured today was a good day for some comments and observations...

It is getting more and more difficult to get comfortable. I find myself dreading bedtime, because even though I am sleepy, I know the whole night is going to be one uncomfortable suckfest.

The (possibly?) good news? I appear to be adapting a sort of newborn schedule. I am up every three hours to pee. Which reminds me. You know what you probably don't really want to eat when you're nine months pregnant? Asparagus. Asparagus pee at 12, 3, and 6 AM really starts to grate on your nerves.

Which brings me to eating. I am not enjoying the eating anymore. It's not the whole baby's-too-big-stomach-is-crushed scenario - I ate through that phase like a champ. It's just, I don't know, I'm not hungry anymore. I find myself eating because I have to. I think I'm still eating more than I used to, I'm just not quite at the I-must-have-two-french-dips-for-lunch level I was a few months back. It depresses me, because I love eating. I love it the most.

And I keep having random bouts of nausea! What's up with that?

This weekend is my baby shower. I am very excited and glad that the day is finally here. I remember vaguely when we were looking at dates a few of my mom friends saying May 1st might be a *little* late - and me shrugging it off that I was sure it was fine, it's four whole weeks from my due date, after all! Now that we're here I see what they meant. I figure I will be very busy next week, getting everything all finalized, and then I will sit on my ass watching my stockpile of 16 and Pregnant episodes until I go into labor myself.


سيو بارتنرز said...
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سيو بارتنرز said...
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